
Booking Info
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TOUR 2007
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Thank you for your interest in "The Izzy Ozborne Band"! starring Izzy Ozborne" for your event. Below is a brief outline of the group's location, performance/travel requirements, and pricing guidelines.
The group consists of four band members and is located in northern California. For performances outside of the state of California, the group travels by airlines and only requires four round-trip tickets, along with four hotel rooms, back-line equipment, and ground transportation. (For detailed hospitality and back-line equipment requirements, please request copies of the "Hospitality Rider" and the "Back-Line Equipment Rider") No roadcrew or entourage travels with the group when performing outside of California. To try and minimize the out of state airline costs to our clients, the group has the option of departing from three different international airports - Sacramento, San Francisco or Oakland, and will choose the most cost effective for the client and the group.

Overall pricing for the group is dependent upon several factors:

- Amount of travel and time involved

- Cost of airline tickets (if charged to Izzy)

- General Expenses (charges for equipment cases, agent

- Commissions, ground transportation costs if applicable, etc.)

- Number of shows or length of set(s) to be performed

For more details or questions regarding any of the above,
please contact:
Izzy Ozborne (530)736-0917
Business Calls Only Please

email: izzyozborne@sbcglobal.net